el-backtop 不显示问题
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| <template> Scroll down to see the bottom-right button. <el-backtop :right="100" :bottom="100" /> </template>
直接拿来用会发现返回顶部的按钮根本不显示,这是因为 target
是指触发滚动的对象,其值是一个类的字符串,该类对应的元素一般是 el-backtop 的父元素,且其能够发生滚动,即拥有以下属性:
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| height: 200px; // 或 max-height: 200px; // 或 flex: 1; overflow: auto;
普通的 div 块
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| <html> <body> <div class="box"> <el-backtop :visibility-height="100" target=".box" /> ... </div> </body>
<style> .box { height: 200px; overflow: auto; } </style> </html>
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| <el-scrollbar> <el-backtop :visibility-height="100" target=".el-scrollbar__wrap" /> ... </el-scrollbar>
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| <el-menu style="height: 100%;" active-text-color="#409eff" background-color="#373f4a" text-color="#dadada" router :collapse="isCollapse" :default-active="$route.path" > <menu-bar-item :routes="routes" /> </el-menu>
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| .el-menu-hover-bg-color { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; } .el-menu { user-select: none; border-right: none !important; // --el-menu-item-font-size: 15px; &:not(.el-menu--collapse) { width: 225px; } .icon { margin-right: 8px; font-size: 16px; width: 18px; } } .el-menu--collapse { width: auto !important; // 解决折叠时宽度不跟随问题 } .el-menu-item { height: 56px !important; line-height: 56px !important; } .el-menu-item.is-active, .el-menu-item:hover, .el-sub-menu.is-active .el-sub-menu__title, .el-sub-menu:not(.is-opened):hover .el-sub-menu__title { @extend .el-menu-hover-bg-color; } .el-sub-menu.is-active.is-opened .el-sub-menu__title { background-color: unset !important; }
设置 :collapse-transition="false"
,通过 el-menu 父元素宽度变化添加过渡效果。